2745 X 1196 Weathergroove 150mm Woodsman 24/pack

Code: WTXWGW0150-27 Weight: 32.94 kg
Brand: Weathertex SQM: 3.28 m²
$ 271.33
1 SHEET (Min. Order)
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Weathergroove is the largest panel product available on the Australian market. This vertically grooved panel is ideal for covering large areas in a short time. It is environmentally friendly, versatile and possibilities are endless.

Weathergroove 150 Woodsman Architectural panel has the characteristics of a wood grain effect. The pattern pressed on the board displays the knots and curves, together with an uneven textured finish, to portray the uniqueness of natural timber trees. The grooves are spaced 140mm apart. The 5mm deep groove is 13mm wide, with a flat smooth base.
