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CSR Wet Area Topping Compound

CSR Wet Area Base Coat is a moisture-resistant base coat specifically designed for use in wet areas. It serves as the first and second coat in a three-coat plasterboard jointing system.

Product Details

  • Packaging: 15kg
  • Code: CSRWABC15
  • Price: $93.57


  • Moisture Resistance: Ideal for joints in wet areas, providing excellent protection against moisture.
  • Pre-Mixed: This low VOC jointing compound is ready to use, ensuring convenience and ease of application.
  • Excellent Tape Adhesion: Offers strong joint strength, making it suitable for the first and second coats in a jointing system.


  • Usage: Can be finished with any Gyprock topping or all-purpose compound and sanded smooth prior to decoration. If the walls are to be tiled, no finish coat is required.

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